On 10 April 2016 at 14:46, jdd <jdd@dodin.org> wrote:
your instructions are not totally exact, there is no "create" but "build", but it's not important.
If I create a file "file.txt" in the source folder, it's simply copied in the target folder. It's not what I call a "generator"]
This isn't how Jekyll works at all..
This is a correct link that describes the actual behaviour of Jekyll, I'm confused how you make the above statement when the documentation clearly says the opposite "All posts must have YAML Front Matter, and they will be converted from their source format into an HTML page that is part of your static site." To give an example using my blog You can see the source of my entire blog, it's theme, it's config, and it's posts, on [Github](https://github.com/sysrich/rootco.de-web) I have copies of this git repo on all of my machines, which I synchronise using `git pull` When I want to write a new blog post, I create a file called `$date-$title.md` eg. 2016-04-04-opensuse-and-you.md I then write the post using the simple Markdown language https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/basics This language is pretty wonderful. It's easy to learn, it's easy to use, there are lots of editors that understand the language and can help you (automatic syntax highlighting in gedit and vim for example). Unlike many other markup languages (eg. HTML) it is also very easy to read even before it has been converted into something else. To prove this point, I have written this entire email using the Markdown format ;) The post needs to have a few lines of information at the start, this is what the Jekyll docs call the YAML Front Matter. Taking the example from my recent 'Why You Should Use Tumbleweed' post, this is basically two or three lines (the `date:` is optional) in between two lines with 3 dashes `---` That tells Jekyll the title of the blog post and what kind of layout to use (normally `layout: post`)
--- layout: post title: Why You Should Use Tumbleweed date: '2016-03-28 19:05:02' ---
Then you write the blog post. You can see the full markdown used for the 'Why You Should Use Tumbleweed' post here: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sysrich/rootco.de-web/master/_posts/2016-0... When `jekyll build` runs in my `rootco.de-web` folder on my machine, it takes the markdown file in `_posts` and creates a totally new html file in `_site` It is this `_site` folder which I upload to my website, where you can see the nice generated output http://rootco.de/2016-03-28-why-use-tumbleweed/ I actually automate the whole thing using git, so I work on my laptop/desktop, `git commit` it there, `git push` it back to GitHub, then my server actually as a cron job which automatically does a `git pull` from GitHub, runs Jekyll, and puts the `_site` folder in the `/srv/www/htdocs` folder of my Apache2 server. But that is an advanced topic I wouldn't worry about if you just want to get started with Jekyll, because GitHub can do all of that for you All you need to do to get started is have a Github account - https://github.com/join Whatever you pick as your username will end up being part of your blogs URL * Then login. * Go to https://github.com/sysrich/beautiful-jekyll-opensuse * Click on 'Fork' in the top right hand corner * Then go to 'Settings' and rename the Repository Name to "yourusername.github.io" * Then, using the Text Editor available in the GitHub WebUI, you can edit the _config.yml file for your blog to change it's settings and set it up the way you like * Then, using the buttons available in the GitHub WebUI, you can make your `_posts` folder and make your first `$date-$title.md` file like I described above * Then, using the text editor in the GitHub WebUI you can start writing your blog post You don't need to run this on an openSUSE machine to get started. You don't need to do fancy stuff like me and Ish. Github will automatically do all the Jekyll build and blah for you.. you don't need to install anything, you don't need to configure much..it really couldn't be much easier to get started All of this is documented, including an animated video of the steps I list above, in the original link to the beautiful-jekyll-openSUSE theme https://github.com/sysrich/beautiful-jekyll-opensuse/blob/master/README.md Does this help? -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-marketing+unsubscribe@opensuse.org To contact the owner, e-mail: opensuse-marketing+owner@opensuse.org