Weng Xuetian <wengxt@gmail.com>于2021年4月23日 周五上午4:37写道:

Marguerite Su <i@marguerite.su>于2021年4月20日 周二22:40写道:

Fcitx5 is considered stable. 

And I have plan to replace fcitx4 with fcitx5 in Tumbleweed, not keep them both.

I was about to test the fcitx4 -> fcitx5 upgrade in a clean installation... but I don’t have time right now

Please let me know if you have any concerns regarding the migration or anything new you want me to add.

Currently I just find fcitx5 has no Chinese quwei method...but nobody still use it in 202X. 

Right now data is not automatically migrated and I added a gui tool to migrate over the data. This can get some more love to make the transition smoother.

I think I can write some simple codes to do the data migration in the background. because rpm %post does no support GUI.