Dear All,
I am trying to install Tamil (a language spoken in southern part of India) locales. I downloaded the locale setting files from Tamilinix Yahoo Group.
I could not run make install as at error message display "could not find i18n directory". Can someone help me where could I find this i18n directory? The locale file I download is said to have been tested on Debian & Redhat.
I know there are few difference is directory placements between our SuSE and Redhat. I could not detect this i18n directory. Kindly help me.

The makefile file in the locale files I downloaded contains following lines:

# DESTDIR is used for creating RPMs/DEBs

I18NDIR = $(DESTDIR)/usr/share/locale
LOCALEDIR = $(DESTDIR)/usr/lib/locale


install: install-locales install-sources

install-locales: ta_IN.TSCII
@if [ ! -z $(DESTDIR) ]; then \
mkdir -p $(LOCALEDIR) $(I18NDIR)/charmaps \
$(I18NDIR)/locales; \
localedef -f TSCII -i ta_IN.TSCII $(LOCALEDIR)/ta_IN.TSCII-0
@if [ ! -z $(X11DIR)/locale/tscii-0 ]; then \
mkdir -p $(X11DIR)/locale/tscii-0 ;
cp XLC_LOCALE Compose $(X11DIR)/locale/tscii-0
cp ta $(XKMAPDIR)/xkb/symbols

cp setkb /usr/bin
chmod +x /usr/bin/setkb

install-sources: TSCII ta_IN.TSCII
cp TSCII $(I18NDIR)/charmaps
cp ta_IN.TSCII $(I18NDIR)/locales

Thanks in advance,