I'm not opposed to keeping the -qtX suffixes, if others feel strongly about it, but in general, I don't like changing the names at the distribution level, away from what upstream publishes them as, when there's no particularly good reason to do so. and this major release and base library change seems like a good time to rectify some of that On April 19, 2024 12:41:17 PM CDT, Michael Vetter <mvetter@suse.com> wrote:
My understanding was that they will release all of them, just step by step (for some reason). But I'm not 100% sure. I checked some of your submissions and they looked fine on a first glance. I'm not sure about the libsysstat though. We had libsysstat-qt5. Shouldnt we have used the changes file from there to show some kind of continuum? In any case: if you are happy with everything feel free to accept and forward (or someone else from team).
On Thu, Apr 18, 2024 at 4:16 PM Shawn W Dunn <sfalken@cloverleaf-linux.org> wrote:
we're going to need to do a fair bit of testing on this release before pushing to Factory, upstreama decision to release with some components still requiring Qt5 components to remain coinstalled is probably going to bite us
On April 17, 2024 10:56:31 AM CDT, Shawn W Dunn <sfalken@cloverleaf-linux.org> wrote:
I am currently out of town, but if anybody else is working on the packages, the packaging in X11:LXQt:git should work for most of what changes are happening with 2.0, if you need references