On 4/17/24 08:56, Shawn W Dunn wrote:
I am currently out of town, but if anybody else is working on the packages, the packaging in X11:LXQt:git should work for most of what changes are happening with 2.0, if you need references
Just as a heads up, I just noticed that even in the git repo, I didn't actually fully fix the issues from upstream. By default, LXQt is putting it's cmake related files for -devel subpackages in %{_datadir}/cmake which isn't really where they belong. They should be living in %{_qt6_cmakedir}/%{name} (expands out to /usr/lib64/cmake/package_name) just to stay consistent with what most other cmake projects use. I did patch this in libqt6xdg, with the following patch that should be relatively easily ported to the rest of things. This is probably something we should do now, rather than later, before submitting up to Factory for 2.0.0