Hi everyone;

I'm trying to set up a private registry because the installation of the k8s cluster on opensuse kubic has no access to the internet... so I found this blog entry "Private and Air-Gap registry for openSUSE Kubic - openSUSE Kubic" everything is going smoothly, when I try to do the sync with skopeo...
# skopeo sync --scoped --src yaml --dest docker --dest-creds admin:password kubic-small.yaml registry.local

this message is shown
Getting image source signatures
FATA[0000] Error copying ref "docker://registry.opensuse.org/opensuse/nginx:1.19.8": Error trying to reuse blob sha256:d450b5a5c495edd26e5c2c1ce7281ca6d59ebc05d84eb3f0e330e0cb086d9120 at destination: unable to retrieve auth token: invalid username/password: unauthorized: authentication required

What I'm doing wrong??


Gustavo Ezquerro Morales