
I've had the same issue with my ssd where it took 3 to 5 minutes to shutdown/start my computer.

Moving my home partition from btrfs to xfs solved it. I do not know why but i always get latency when encrypting btrfs partitions

On Mon, Aug 2, 2021 at 20:34, Syds Bearda <opensuse@syds.eu> wrote:
Hi all,

I’ve been thinking about a while now about a conversation I had with Richard about encryption with MicroOS with a SSD.

Due to the immutable nature of MicroOS trimming would not work on a encrypted SSD.

And over time the SSD would become slower and slower and slower.

Is there any way we could mitigate this? As I’m running MicroOS on my business laptop I feel really weird having client data on my machine. I’ve already changed to Leap/SLED/Tumbleweed because of this, but MicroOS always lures me back in, and then I feel weird about it.
