Bug ID 1185766
Summary Transacrional-update fails due to selinux
Classification openSUSE
Product openSUSE Tumbleweed
Version Current
Hardware x86-64
OS openSUSE MicroOS
Status NEW
Severity Normal
Priority P5 - None
Component MicroOS
Assignee kubic-bugs@opensuse.org
Reporter gm.venekamp@quicknet.nl
QA Contact qa-bugs@suse.de
Found By ---
Blocker ---

When doing a fresh install with today's current MicroOS image (0505) and with
the MicroOS transactiona container pattern, installing additional packages
after the initial install fail. For example:

# transactional-update pkg install --download-in-advance firewalld
Additional rpm output:
/sbin/ldconfig: Warning: ignoring configuration file that cannot be opened:
/etc/ld.so.conf: Permission denied
/sbin/ldconfig: Can't create temporary cache file /etc/ld.so.cache.xeizJJ:
warning: %post(libgirepository-1_0-1-1.68.0-1.2.x86_64) scriptlet failed, exit
status 1

There are multiple messages like this.

However, when I disable selinux by:

setenforce 0

The install succeeds.

Disabling selinux as a workaroud for installing a few additional packages to
the MicroOS container works as long as this is done manually. However, for
automated updates, one would have to permanently disable selinux, which I don't
thinks is a good idea.

Not sure if the following is related. During initial boot of the installed
systemd complains about the following role:



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