Comment # 73 on bug 1159882 from
uname -a
Linux desktop-01721d1.lan 5.3.18-lp152.2.gb85b477-default #1 SMP Fri Sep 25
14:55:58 UTC 2020 (b85b477) x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdc bs=4K status=progress

the find command found no directories in group other than memory

swap use rose to 130 MB and then fluxuated between 80 and 100 MB.

I am in Gnome Classic and literally the only things running are Dropbox and
Chrome (and I'm only in one tab replying to this bug request).

Your kernel is loaded.

cgroup_disable=memory is NOT in the boot line (I removed it using advanced
options prior to booting the kernel).

How else may I help?

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