Comment # 8 on bug 1205576 from
In this case, it might be better to run git bisect on linux-stable git tree,
supposing it's an upstream problem.

Clone the linux-stable.git from either or

Then checkout v6.0.7, copy the kernel config from the running kernel:
  % git checkout v6.0.7
  % zcat /proc/config.gz > .config
Edit .config file to change CONFIG_LOCALVERSION, set it to a unique prefix
(e.g. "-test").

The next step is to reduce the needed config to match with the currently used
modules (which will reduce the compile time a lot):
  % make localmodconfig

You'll need a few more packages like kernel-install-tools, etc.

Then make, and install it
  % make -j8
  % sudo make install

Confirm that it's working.  Then checkout v6.0.8, build, install, and retest. 
Confirm that the problem appears.

Once after confirming the bug reproduction, go for bisection.

  % git bisect start
  % git bisect good v6.0.7
  % git bisect bad v6.0.8

Again, build, install and retest.
If the kernel is good, give "git bisect good".  If it's buggy, "git bisect
Then git will lead to another commit to test.  It's repeated until you find the
first buggy commit.

As a hint: it might be better to change the kernel suffix at each time not to
conflict with the previous kernels (e.g. name it "bisect1" or such).  And, be
careful to choose the kernel to boot at GRUB.  It's crucial to know exactly
which kernel / commit you're testing.

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