Jan Engelhardt changed bug 1211796
What Removed Added
CC   jengelh@inai.de

Comment # 47 on bug 1211796 from Jan Engelhardt
>scripts/depmod.sh effectively calls 'depmod -b $INSTALL_MOD_PATH'
>but `make modules_instdall` won't install under usr/ prefix.

The following works for me on the pristine kmod-30:

  make modules_install INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/Someroot/usr

The files generated by depmod do not carry any prefixes that I can see, so it
does not matter that it called

  depmod -b /Someroot/usr

instead of

  depmod -b /Someroot --somenewoption=/usr

the resulting rpm should be the same to a rpm consumer, i.e. next system boot
once that rpm is installed.

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