Comment # 26 on bug 1192457 from
It's becoming slightly fun:

home:dimstar:Live built successfully with a kernel, that seems to be zstd

kernel-default sizes (the one we had in Factory for a day vs the one I built
now in my home):

 143545040 Nov  8 20:36 kernel-default-5.15.0-1.1.x86_64.rpm
 119020581 Nov 10 11:39 kernel-default-5.15.1-3.2.x86_64.rpm

for reference, the latest TW kernel:

 107392383 Oct 19 09:24 kernel-default-5.14.11-1.2.x86_64.rpm

both rpm's contain the modules as .zst, and vmlinux.xz (matching the

$PWD/usr/lib/modules> du -sh *
147M    5.15.0-1-default/
124M    5.15.1-3-default

the version diff between what we had in Factory (5.15.0) and my home:

-Version:        5.15.0
+Version:        5.15.1
 %if 0%{?is_kotd}
-Release:        <RELEASE>.g5a1fa5e
+Release:        <RELEASE>.g0a42f4c

Seems the 5.15.1 shrunk quite a bit compared to 5.15.0 even when both are using

full diff:
osc rdiff openSUSE:Factory kernel-source home:dimstar:Live -r 615

One other, rather interesting observation:


-rwxr-xr-x  1 dimstar users  8491432 Nov  8 19:27 vmlinux.xz*
-rw-r--r--  1 dimstar users 11416144 Nov  8 20:27 vmlinuz


-rwxr-xr-x  1 dimstar users 11181228 Nov  6 20:09 vmlinux.xz*
-rw-r--r--  1 dimstar users  9981672 Nov 10 11:31 vmlinuz

With the current numbers of 5.15.1 as seen in home:dimstar:Live we seem to be
able to survive the Live image builds without further trickery - or I miss
something obviously wrong in my branch

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