Hi, i was searching the rpms from ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/3.5.1/SuSE/x86_64/10.0/ Are they the same as ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/x86_64/supplementary/KDE/update_for_10.0/ ? I noticed also in the kdemulimedia the missing mp3 support from suse. Is any chance to install these rpms to recover the mp3 support (nad maybe other stuff) without the need of packman ? Thanks __________________________________________________ �������������� Yahoo!; ���������� �� ���������� �������� (spam); �� Yahoo! Mail �������� ��� �������� ������ ��������� ���� ��� ����������� ��������� http://mail.yahoo.gr

On Tuesday, 28. March 2006 10:06, Karaoulis Marios wrote:
Hi, i was searching the rpms from ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/3.5.1/SuSE/x86_64/10.0/ Are they the same as ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/x86_64/supplementary/KDE/update_for_10.0/ ?
Only at day of release, latter is regularly updated (eg to 3.5.2 today :-). Bye, Steve

Hello! Am Dienstag, 28. März 2006 11:10 schrieb Stephan Binner:
Only at day of release, latter is regularly updated (eg to 3.5.2 today :-).
YaST just shows me 3.5.1 as version number and I get some conflicts. The files are dated 28th March though. Is there maybe a mistake with the version-numbers? Or is my mirror not updated properly yet? Sven #### YaST2 conflicts list - generated 2006-03-28 18:54:44 #### kdelibs3 nicht verfgbar Ben�igt von: kdebase3 ben�igt kdelibs3 >= 3.5.2- Konfliktl�ung: ( ) Alle 12 entsprechenden Pakete l�chen kdeartwork3 l�chen schafkopf l�chen kdebase3-nsplugin l�chen kdeaddons3-kate l�chen amarok-xine l�chen kdebase3-SuSE l�chen amarok-libvisual l�chen kdebase3-extra l�chen Weitere 4... ( ) Diesen Konflikt ignorieren und ein inkonsistentes System riskieren Konflikt mit kdebase3 3.5.1-45 Nicht erfllte Abh�gigkeiten: kdebase3 ben�igt kdelibs3 >= 3.5.2- Konfliktl�ung: ( ) kdebase3 nicht aktualisieren ( ) Diesen Konflikt ignorieren und ein inkonsistentes System riskieren #### YaST2 conflicts list END ###

Hello, Am Dienstag, 28. März 2006 19:01 schrieb Sven Burmeister:
Am Dienstag, 28. März 2006 11:10 schrieb Stephan Binner:
Only at day of release, latter is regularly updated (eg to 3.5.2 today :-).
YaST just shows me 3.5.1 as version number and I get some conflicts. The files are dated 28th March though. Is there maybe a mistake with the version-numbers? Or is my mirror not updated properly yet? as we don´t know which server you use we can only guess.... I did the upgrade two hours ago from ftp.gwdg.de. Everything is fine. Anyway, servers are very busy at the moment, may be sometimes some of the files couldn´t be fetched. Read the logs. And go to the Installationsquelle wechseln section in YaST and make YaST update the Installationsquelle. Bye Michael Eichstädt

Hello Karaoulis, just follow the instructions given here: http://en.opensuse.org/Restricted_Formats and you should have mp3-support. bye, Christian

Hi! Am Dienstag, 28. März 2006 20:58 schrieb Michael Eichstädt:
as we don´t know which server you use we can only guess....
I use rwth-aachen.de and the source is refreshed automatically everytime the YaST-module starts up. I'll try again tommorrow. Sven

On Tuesday 28 March 2006 23:12, Sven Burmeister wrote:
Am Dienstag, 28. März 2006 20:58 schrieb Michael Eichstädt:
as we don´t know which server you use we can only guess....
I use rwth-aachen.de and the source is refreshed automatically everytime the YaST-module starts up. I'll try again tommorrow.
I've tried 2 sites to download the rpms (one being ftp.suse.com) and I end up with dependency issues where KDEbase and Amarok and few others require kdelibs >= 3.5.2. Kdelibs is listed as a download release of 3.5.1-?? This has happened to me quite a lot of times over the years - is this a problem with the packagers not being diligent?

On Tue, 2006-03-28 at 23:24 +0100, ianseeks wrote:
I've tried 2 sites to download the rpms (one being ftp.suse.com) and I end up with dependency issues where KDEbase and Amarok and few others require kdelibs >= 3.5.2. Kdelibs is listed as a download release of 3.5.1-?? This has happened to me quite a lot of times over the years - is this a problem with the packagers not being diligent?
In a way. The supplementary directory is basically a testing ground. Anything you find in there is hugely untested, and is provided only for those who know the risks and accept them. The build system is almost fully automated, and it happens that there are packages in the build system which haven't been provided externally, so you get dependency problems. It also happens that the package was built in the wrong distribution environment (e.g. a 9.3 package built in a 10.0 or 10.1 environment, sometimes even vice versa) If it ever happens in an officially provided package, then would be cause to complain about lacking diligence. But these packages are experimental, built for testing only, and should not be relied on for anything serious

Hi! Am Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 00:24 schrieb ianseeks:
I've tried 2 sites to download the rpms (one being ftp.suse.com) and I end up with dependency issues where KDEbase and Amarok and few others require kdelibs >= 3.5.2. Kdelibs is listed as a download release of 3.5.1-?? This has happened to me quite a lot of times over the years - is this a problem with the packagers not being diligent?
Since the version in the filenames is still 3.5.1, e.g. kdebase3-3.5.1-45.i586.rpm, for 10.0 at least, even on the ftp.suse.com server, but the conflicts demand 3.5.2, I think we have to wait till the packages are updated to the correct versions. Thanks to all that use the supplementary, as those are people that potentially report bugs and hence help SuSE in providing a better product, which will be/is part of the next distribution and thus also a benefit for those users who stay with the "official" version and/or point to the README in the supp if people ask about a problem they have with the packages. Sven

On Wednesday 29 March 2006 00:00, Christian Fröbel wrote:
Hello Karaoulis,
just follow the instructions given here: http://en.opensuse.org/Restricted_Formats and you should have mp3-support.
bye, Christian
No, that's not the answer. I prefer installing rpms from packman. BUT , packman ony support KDE 3.4.2 (obvsiously) and if someone update the system via supplementary, must stick with kdemultimedia 3.4.2. So the really question is if someone install the missing rpms from kde.org (like arts-mad, kdemultimedia-mad etc) will mp3 come back in life (without using the ugly thing called realplayer) Thank you . __________________________________________________ ×ñçóéìïðïéåßôå Yahoo!; ÂáñåèÞêáôå ôá åíï÷ëçôéêÜ ìçíýìáôá (spam); Ôï Yahoo! Mail äéáèÝôåé ôçí êáëýôåñç äõíáôÞ ðñïóôáóßá êáôÜ ôùí åíï÷ëçôéêþí ìçíõìÜôùí http://mail.yahoo.gr

Hi! Am Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 11:09 schrieb Karaoulis Marios:
No, that's not the answer. I prefer installing rpms from packman. BUT , packman ony support KDE 3.4.2 (obvsiously) and if someone update the system via supplementary, must stick with kdemultimedia 3.4.2. So the really question is if someone install the missing rpms from kde.org (like arts-mad, kdemultimedia-mad etc) will mp3 come back in life (without using the ugly thing called realplayer)
What do you play your mp3s with? If you use amarok, you can use the xine-engine and download libxine1 from packman. arts is not really required for playing mp3s. If you use JuK, you do not need it either, I think, since it uses akode and SuSE does supply libakode-mad in supp and mad is supplied via packman. Hope that helps. Sven

On Tuesday, 28. March 2006 19:01, Sven Burmeister wrote:
files are dated 28th March though. Is there maybe a mistake with the version-numbers? Or is my mirror not updated properly yet?
Some rpms weren't synced out because they weren't properly within the build system. The missing packages start now to appear on the servers. Bye, Steve

On Wednesday, 29. March 2006 10:34, Sven Burmeister wrote:
Thanks to all that use the supplementary, as those are people that potentially report bugs and hence help SuSE in providing a better product, which will be/is part of the next distribution and thus also a benefit for
People testing the SUSE Linux 10.1 development releases are for more valuable, there is no time to hunt SUSE 9.2 specific problems of the KDE 3.5 packages. Bye, Steve

Hello! Am Mittwoch, 29. März 2006 17:06 schrieb Stephan Binner:
On Wednesday, 29. March 2006 10:34, Sven Burmeister wrote:
Thanks to all that use the supplementary, as those are people that potentially report bugs and hence help SuSE in providing a better product, which will be/is part of the next distribution and thus also a benefit for
People testing the SUSE Linux 10.1 development releases are for more valuable, there is no time to hunt SUSE 9.2 specific problems of the KDE 3.5 packages.
You tell me that supp is risky but people should use the betas instead to hunt KDE-bugs? KDE-bugs appear on every distri, no matter if it is SuSE xyz or debian or whatever. I was not talking about SuSE bugs, but KDE bugs. supp is the least risky way for people to hunt KDE-bugs and hence improve the KDE-version going into the next SuSE-release. That should be appreciated! Sven
participants (7)
Anders Johansson
Christian Fröbel
Karaoulis Marios
Michael Eichstädt
Stephan Binner
Sven Burmeister