On Thursday 09 May 2002 08:24 am, Paul W. Abrahams wrote: ---------snip------------
I assume that the "location string gadget" is the place under the menu bar where you enter a location, right?
Thats what I meant, correct. try going online, then type www.google.com in the location string gadget (field), and press enter when google is loaded check the tools menu again, "Change Browser Identification" should be there now. hopefully that worked.
You can also add a button to your toolbar Settings -> Configure Toolbars
"Configure Toolbars" doesn't have "Change Browser Identification". "Bookmarks" is followed by "Configure Key Bindings". I'm not sure what you mean This should really work, check again
Go to the settings menu Settings -> Configure Toolbars when the configure toolbars window opens you should see a lister named "Available Actions". "Change Browser Identification" should be in the list. To add it to your main toolbar just click on "Change Browser Identification" in the left lister, Click the Item you would like it to follow in the right lister (current actions), then click the right pointing arrow that is in between. Press the apply button then ok and you should have the new button Sorry if these instructions are to basic. I can't see any reason this shouldn't work. Good luck -- dh I've been awake: 2 hours 52 minutes Suse Linux 7.2 professional kernel 2.4.17, xFree86 4.2.0, kde 2.2.2