On Wednesday 15 April 2009 09:02:01 Anders Johansson wrote:
> Running 4.3 pre-something here (4.2.69) since a while
> Does anyone know what happened to the spacer plasmoid that was at least
> semi- useful for keeping things in place on the panel? Was it replaced by
> something else that I'm missing?

There was a very basic spacer applet patched into kde4-plasma-addons but as far as I can see it does not compile with trunk and has been commented out. There is a more powerful applet in playground in KDE SVN but we don't have it packaged. It won't be in 4.3 because the Plasma team have decided not to implement spacers as applets - this allows weird things like adding spacer applets to the desktop.

I asked the Plasma team about it and they have added a button to the plasma toolbox to add spacers to the current panel (in SVN now), and are thinking about a resize-handle-based approach to edit spacers instead. I expect when 4.2.70 is published you will see the basic "Add Spacer" button in your toolbox.
