On Sunday 26 January 2003 02:07 am, Matt Gibson wrote:
On Saturday 25 Jan 2003 06:21, David Herman wrote:
Every once in awhile Kmail will magically mark all the mail in certain folders as NEW. That wouldn't be a big problem except I spend a fair [rest of description *snipped*]
This seems very strange. I've got plenty of folders which I save old mail in, too, and I've been using KMail for about a year, and never seen the problem you describe. Maybe it's something configuration-related rather than just a simple bug.
Well it's not a common ocurrance, but when it happens it affects all the messages in numerous folders. Thinking about it today, it came to me that only folders that get mail deposited directly - or filtered to them seem to be affected. ( I haven't had a chance to confirm this yet)
How do you receive your mail? Do you point KMail at a local mailbox, or grab it with POP or IMAP? If it's a local mailbox, what locking system do you use?
POP. I do have alot of filters and seperate folders that my mail gets sorted into. (I'm afraid I haven't spent alot of time learning about filters so I'm sure they could be set up better)
Oh, and of course, what versions of stuff are you using? I'm using the KMail 1.4.3 under KDE 3.0.4 (straight from the SuSE RPMs) on SuSE 7.2...
Currently SuSE 8.1pro, kernel 2.4.19-115 with win4lin patches (self compiled but w/ few changes other than the patches), KDE 3.0.5, Kmail 1.4.3. The machine is only 2 months old and SuSE was freshly installed about 3 weeks ago. Its been upgraded w/yast originally and now is kept up to date w/ apt. (I do remember having a similar (or perhaps the same) problem (mail coming back from the dead) on a completely diferent machine running SuSE 7.2 and kde 2.2.2 last year. Don't know if this helps at all but I think the filter/incoming folders thing might be a lead. I'm trying Graham's idea of compressing my mailboxes regularly, hopefully that will do the trick Thanks for your reply -- dh Don't shop at GoogleGear.com!