My local Best Buy in Annapolis, MD has had many copiies of both Personal and Pro 8.0 in stock since last Monday. has them, too. Bob On Saturday 11 May 2002 18:39, Patrick wrote:
On Saturday 11 May 2002 18:28, Ben Rosenberg wrote:
* Patrick ( [020511 15:22]: ::Wow, you mean Linux Central sold out of their stock? That is where :: I get mine as well, but I ordered the day they got it in stock. I :: have heard of some ordering it from & I believe :: have it listed, but I have heard also that Best Buy or :: Circuit City will not be carrying any linux distros anymore? Good :: Luck on your Quest!
Where did you hear this? I find it weird that in the Wednesday local paper in Alameda, CA (near Oakland) they had WinXP and SuSE 8.0 right next to each other with no mention of RH. ;)
I'd just like to read the article that talks about Best Buy. :)
Cheers! -=Ben
Ben, I forgot where I had read this. I hope that they continue to carry it and I think it would be very shortsighted of them to stop at this point when there is so much press about Linux now. I know CompUSA still has it, but the last time I checked Best Buy, they had not gotten it in to order or in the local stores here. I have never really checked Circuit City as they usually only had MDK or RH when they did carry it.