* Patrick (tracerb@sprintmail.com) [020511 15:22]: ::Wow, you mean Linux Central sold out of their stock? That is where I ::get mine as well, but I ordered the day they got it in stock. I have ::heard of some ordering it from Amazon.com & I believe BestBuy.com have ::it listed, but I have heard also that Best Buy or Circuit City will not ::be carrying any linux distros anymore? Good Luck on your Quest! Where did you hear this? I find it weird that in the Wednesday local paper in Alameda, CA (near Oakland) they had WinXP and SuSE 8.0 right next to each other with no mention of RH. ;) I'd just like to read the article that talks about Best Buy. :) Cheers! -=Ben --=====-----=====-- mailto:ben@whack.org --=====-- If it's true that our species is alone in the universe, then I'd have to say that the universe aimed rather low and settled for very little. -GC --=====-----=====--