On 2013-01-03 at 22:25 Dimitrios Zarras <feugatos@ceidwarfare.net> wrote:


> Here's something else I found out. After taking a look at the

> akonadiconsole at the job tracker I found lots of jobs related to the

> IMAP account that stay at the Initial state and never progress.


> https://www.dropbox.com/s/x5viy633ahvr38z/snapshot4.png


> Furthermore as time passes more task get added and the older one never

> complete their jobs.


That seems to me an important clue.


I'm also struggling with kmail2/akonadi and finding out stuff as I go along. Maybe just a coincidence, but I noticed that issuing an `akonadictl vacuum` in a terminal seemed to have helped with certain stuff, like stuck searches in kmail.


If that doesn't help, you might want to remove the IMAP account in kmail or akonadiconsole and do "vacuum" again.


Finally, a more radical step would be to remove all akonadi related config and data and start over.

I've done this a few of times when I got the feeling that I'm stuck:

rm -fr .config/akonadi/

rm -fr .local/share/akonadi/


All in all, akonadi/nepomuk/strigi etc... look interesting, but I'm not at all impressed with it for now. 7 out of 10 times I don't have a clue what is going on, like searches that complete after a minute or so. Or that they only do so when executing certain queries (search on subject works, but search on headers doesn't)


Getting an overview is also hard: which component is doing what, how they work together etc...