Hello, the next heroes meeting will be on Tuesday (2021-06-01) at 18:00 UTC / 20:00 CEST in https://meet.opensuse.org/heroes If you want to discuss something, please add it to the topics list on https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/92137 or bring it up in the meeting. Regards, Christian Boltz -- Java Call Stack Tief in der Scheisse [Patrick Schaaf, FdI#545]

Christian Boltz wrote:
the next heroes meeting will be on Tuesday (2021-06-01) at 18:00 UTC / 20:00 CEST in https://meet.opensuse.org/heroes
If you want to discuss something, please add it to the topics list on https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/92137 or bring it up in the meeting.
As usual, Tuesdays are difficult for me, especially now that things have opened up a bit more. I hope I can make it, but I'm having some network issues @ Hetzner, so I might not be able or only for a short visit. Of course, I am also taxiing my son back from orchestra practice. Somewhere in between, I'll have to try to fit in some dinner too :-) A couple of things I have looked at in the last month - - why we had so many 'host not found' on anna. There is an open ticket. Nothing obviously wrong, but switching from dnsmasq to named and disabling dnssec did improve on things. I still have to update the stats though, but last I looked, the situation was much better. - repositories push was wayyyy behind for a while. I decided to switch off the scan we do immediately after a push has completed, which helped a lot - I think we may be short on bandwidth, quite simply. There is an open ticket. - widehat was full again. Lars and I both tidied up a few things. - I created a couple of new mirrors, Brazil, Taiwan. We still have an issue with MirrorBrain not correctly assigning a region (continent) code. Also, when working on the Brazilian mirror with avincenzi, I ran into an issue with duplicate records in table 'filearr', see next item. Not sure if the ticket is still open. - duplicate rows in table 'filearr' ?? Despite 'filearr' having a unique index on column 'path', we seem to have duplicate rows. After the above, I deleted all of the duplicates, about 5000, which let me finish creating the mirror. Checking later, and new duplicates had turned out. Last check, 1300 or so. - redmine spam: I extracted some 12000 addresses that had been blocked and added them to postfix on anna and elsa. After a while of checking if any of them turned up again, I think I saw maybe 10 that kept repeating. There is an open ticket. I have concluded it is not worth the effort to block users in redmine, it simply does little or nothing to fight spam. So, in my opinion, anyone who happens on spam in the ticket queue, just delete them. Note - we still get some 'undeliverables', they're not really spam :-) - mirrorbrain @ github - I think I opened a couple of issues. -- Per Jessen, Zürich (23.8°C) Member, openSUSE Heroes

Per Jessen wrote:
Note - we still get some 'undeliverables', they're not really spam :-)
We briefly touched on this in last night's meeting - see #93312, #93372, #93369 - five in total. -- Per Jessen, Zürich (17.5°C) Member, openSUSE Heroes

On 30/05/2021 21.06, Christian Boltz wrote:
the next heroes meeting will be on Tuesday (2021-06-01) at 18:00 UTC / 20:00 CEST in https://meet.opensuse.org/heroes
If you want to discuss something, please add it to the topics list on https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/92137 or bring it up in the meeting.
My camera is still broken. I mean, Jitsi is broken. I'll be lurking on the meeting. -- Cheers / Saludos, Carlos E. R. (from 15.2 x86_64 at Telcontar)
participants (3)
Carlos E. R.
Christian Boltz
Per Jessen