Hi Thorsten,

Thanks for the hack... Today morning t there was a problem with disk space.
SKS logs had 6GB ... The log rotate rules did not work.
I clean it up a changed the rules...


11. prosince 2018 21:05:55 SEČ, Thorsten Bro <tbro@suse.de> napsal:
due to the poor quality of sks software and the problems continuing with
sks keyserver, I decided to setup a systemd-timer for now that restarts
sks-db and sks-recon hourly on keyserver1.infra.o.o

just to keep you informed.

This is a hack, not a solution :(

Best regards,

Am 04.12.18 um 20:09 schrieb admin@opensuse.org:
[openSUSE Tracker]
Issue #44726 has been updated by TBro.

Status changed from New to Resolved
Assignee set to TBro
% Done changed from 0 to 100

Unfortunately there is a wave of "attacks" going on sks-keyserver network and it shuts down the database from time to time.

To mitigate that I added the following to the service files now - by hand - to keep at least the service up and running on failure.


Best regards,
tickets #44726: keyserver

* Author: zbalogh@suse.de
* Status: Resolved
* Priority: Normal
* Assignee: TBro
* Category:
* Target version:

I am doing onboarding for newcomers and all of them needs to have
properly signed PGP keys.

During the last few weeks (months) the keyserver.opensuse.org is very
often out of service.



pEpkey.asc (1.72 KB)

Odesláno aplikací K-9 Mail ze systému Android. Omluvte prosím moji stručnost.