none of the people in this thread maintain Jitsi.
Was my suggestion to coordinate this project with real Jitsi/meet.o.o
operators which I posted as a reply to this thread on 12/21/23 followed
up on?
It would make much more sense to target such questions to the right
people directly - and to generally bring these people in the loop about
this sponsorship to mitigate awkward situations in case of issues during
the event.
On 1/17/24 17:41, Douglas DeMaio wrote:
> Hi all,
> The Creative Freedom Summit would like to test a live stream setup for
> Jitsi. I just wanted to check and see how things were going with the
> jisti build. Is there an option for a "Start live stream" option under
> the settings? Can any of you enable it? They would be testing the link
> at meet.opensuse.org/creative-freedom-summit-backstage
> <http://meet.opensuse.org/creative-freedom-summit-backstage>
> v/r
> Doug
> On Fri, Jan 5, 2024 at 12:31 PM Douglas DeMaio <douglas.demaio@suse.com
> <mailto:douglas.demaio@suse.com>> wrote:
> Hi Marco,
> Could you or the heroes try and get meet.o.o backup as far as the
> url. I see it forwards to https://meet-test.opensuse.org/
> <https://meet-test.opensuse.org/>, which is great and still works.
> There will be a Creative Freedom Summit that will use it January
> 23-25th, 2024. They can still use it the way it is now. But, if you
> have time, it would be appreciated. Two people that have been
> packaging it were trying to do some things. I want to say Georg
> Pfuetzenreuter and Onuralp have been working on it. Just so you have
> some background info. Hope you enjoyed the holidays.
> v/r
> Doug