here are the minutes of today's meeting:
2024-12-05 heroes meeting
participants: Bernhard, jdsn, Georg, Rachel S, Doug, mog, Patrick, cboltz
* B1? what is their relationship with openSUSE?
* heinlein: we might ask them to help us setup a new mail setup (maybe only spam protection)
* Core Backbone: Continue with the relationship as is (was sponsoring backbone in Maxtorhof)
* IP Exchange / QSC / North C: Have expressed they will be cancelling the sponsorship.
Discussed the topic of figuring out a replacement for the service
* AI: @jdsn will gather more options for Colocation or Migration-targets
* status reports:
* cboltz: busy with merge requests
* Georg:
* SLC migration: moved many agreed machines. provo-mirror is now slc-mirror
* mirrorcache-us needed native IPv4 addr for detecting IPv4/6 accessability of mirrors
* some things (DNS, syslog) still depend on Prague and need to be reconfigured, monitoring, status.o.o
* rDNS missing
* WIP debuginfod.o.o VM for openSUSE - has direct access to rpms on slc-mirror
* site-interconnect - direct link to NUE missing to make a full mesh, currently via PRG => update: solved post-meeting
* svn.o.o now dead service
* enabled AppArmor on progress.o.o
* various other misc improvements in Salt
* start writing a new docs page POC at http://community2.infra.opensuse.org:9000/
* Bernhard: added 2 entries to https://en.opensuse.org/Category:Post-mortem
* jdsn: phoned NorthC, because accounts were blocked
* Patrick: discussion about AWS sponsorship
Christian Boltz
Du scheinst ein absoluter Neuling zu sein und willst aber gleich alles.
Da kann ich Dir nur raten: SO NICHT! Ein Baby will auch nicht sofort
den Mount Everest besteigen :) [Konrad Neitzel in suse-linux]
the next heroes meeting is tomorrow (2024-12-05) at 19:00 UTC / 20:00
CET in https://meet.opensuse.org/heroes
So far, https://progress.opensuse.org/issues/169528 only lists the usual
topics - feel free to add more topics, or just bring them up in the
Christian Boltz
Andere würde ich jetzt nach dem entsprechenden Bugreport fragen, aber
Du hast ja vermutlich Bugzilla miterfunden und wirst irgendwo in den
OpenSUSE-Danksagungen erwähnt - NOT. [Martin Schröder in opensuse-de]