[Fate 302988] Don't Zap by default

Feature changed by: michl Feature #302988, revision 5 Title: Don't Zap by default openSUSE-11.0: Evaluation Priority Requester: Mandatory Projectmanager: Important Requested by: coolo@novell.com Partner organization: openSUSE.org Description: We have this long standing issue that ctrl-alt-backspace is exiting the desktop without much the user can do about it, while every **** web site asks you if you want to discard random information if you browse away. While the zap functionality is useful for some and essential for some situations, where your X server is broken _and_ the keyboard combination is not _that_ easy to trigger, shutting it off completely is not preferred. So we discussed and what seems reasonable is press once -> beep, press twice -> zap. Egbert and Luc say this can be implemented in the X server and then we can leave the option on by default. Discussion: #1: coolo@novell.com (2007-11-27 13:36:58) If this feature can't be implemented by let's say alpha 2 due to other constraints, I would like to change the default to not zapp for beta1. + #2: michl@novell.com (2007-11-27 14:41:40) + fully in agreement with coolo. Do it with few effort asap or leave it. -- SUSE Feature Tool: http://partnerfate.suse.de/?rm=feature_show&id=302988
participants (1)