Feature changed by: Togan Muftuoglu (toganm) Feature #310664, revision 13 Title: package shorewall in an openSUSE repository openSUSE-11.4: Unconfirmed Priority Requester: Important Requested by: Divan Santana (divansantana7) Description: openSUSE is a great open source community linux distribution. One thing I miss which other distros have, is that the shorewall firewall packages are not available in any repositories. It would be great if shorewall was packaged and available in a repository. Yes one can install this from http://shorewall.net but it is not really the ideal way of doing things. Shorewall is a powerful easy to use high level firewall program which many use as their primary firewall program. Please could this be packaged and available in an openSUSE repo for 11.4 . Discussion: #1: John Andrsen (icebike) (2010-10-04 21:05:28) I would also like to see this. The great documentaion, active enhancement, user support mailing list and ipv6 support in Shorewall is first class. #2: Andrew Holt (andrew8449) (2010-10-05 20:15:17) I'm a big fan of shorewall and its power! ;) Its would be great to see it added to opensuse. #3: Alexandr Mityunin (xandry) (2010-10-10 08:39:11) shorewall for 11.4 in user repository: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/judas_iscariote/SUSE_Factory #4: Divan Santana (divansantana7) (2010-10-12 23:03:27) (reply to #3) Does that mean it will definitely be in an opensuse 11.4 repo? #5: Togan Muftuoglu (toganm) (2010-10-26 18:35:42) Current Stable Release is so why include something that is not uptodate #6: Andreas Jaeger (a_jaeger) (2010-11-09 14:29:07) What is the advantage of shorewall compared with the firewall we currently use in openSUSE? #7: Divan Santana (divansantana7) (2010-11-10 21:07:19) (reply to #6) "Shorewall is not the easiest to use of the available iptables configuration tools but I believe that it is the most flexible and powerful." "If you are looking for a Linux firewall solution that can handle complex and fast changing network environments then Shorewall is a logical choice." Shorewall, once you know it, is very quick & easy to set up complicated, and complex firewalling requirements. It's very advanced, powerful and easy to manage. #8: Divan Santana (divansantana7) (2010-11-10 21:09:08) (reply to #6) another advanatage is choice&options, that's what FOSS is all about. It's not great that an open source distro like opensuse has mainly one server-type firewall program and nothing else. + #9: Togan Muftuoglu (toganm) (2010-11-11 00:57:37) (reply to #8) + One of the possible problem areas is many packages provide a + configuration file that describes which ports need to be opened to run + a specific service, ie postfix. But shorewall with it's current setting + will not accept these. That could/would be a handicap for the enduser + Both Shorewall and SuSEfirewall2 are frontend to iptables. Once can do + complex filterings with SuSEfirewall2 if one uses the FW_CUSTOMRULES. + -- openSUSE Feature: https://features.opensuse.org/310664