New Slowroll update 20241116T0356 released!
Please note that this mail was generated by a script. A collection of maintenance updates was released for Slowroll. Released 297 packages: * Mesa * MozillaFirefox-branding-openSUSE * MozillaThunderbird * accessibility-inspector * akonadi * akonadi-calendar * akonadi-calendar-tools * akonadi-contacts * akonadi-import-wizard * akonadi-mime * akonadi-notes * akonadi-search * akonadiconsole * akregator * alligator * analitza * angelfish * arianna * ark * artikulate * audacity * audex * audiotube * baloo-widgets * blinken * bomber * bovo * breezy * calendarsupport * calindori * cantor * cervisia * chafa * colord-kde * dolphin * dolphin-plugins * dragonplayer * elisa * eventviews * falkon * ffmpegthumbs * file * filelight * francis * ghostwriter * granatier * grantlee-editor * grantleetheme * gwenview * haproxy * httpcomponents-core * icinga2 * incidenceeditor * itinerary * jackson-annotations * jackson-bom * jackson-databind * jackson-dataformat-xml * jackson-dataformats-binary * jackson-dataformats-text * jackson-datatypes-collections * jackson-jaxrs-providers * jackson-modules-base * jackson-modules-java8 * jujutsu * juk * k3b * kaccounts-integration * kaccounts-providers * kaddressbook * kajongg * kalarm * kalgebra * kalk * kalm * kalzium * kamera * kamoso * kanagram * kapman * kapptemplate * kasts * kate * katomic * kbackup * kblackbox * kblocks * kbounce * kbreakout * kbruch * kcachegrind * kcalc * kcalutils * kcharselect * kclock * kcolorchooser * kcron * kde-dev-utils * kde-inotify-survey * kdebugsettings * kdeconnect-kde * kdeedu-data * kdegraphics-mobipocket * kdegraphics-thumbnailers * kdenetwork-filesharing * kdenlive * kdepim-addons * kdepim-runtime * kdesdk-kioslaves * kdesdk-scripts * kdesdk-thumbnailers * kdevelop * kdevelop-plugin-php * kdevelop-plugin-python3 * kdf * kdialog * kdiamond * kdnssd * keditbookmarks * keysmith * kfind * kfourinline * kgeography * kget * kgoldrunner * kgpg * kgraphviewer * khangman * khealthcertificate * khelpcenter * kidentitymanagement * kig * kigo * killbots * kimagemapeditor * kimap * kio-extras * kio-gdrive * kio_audiocd * kirigami-gallery * kiriki * kiten * kitinerary * kjournald * kjumpingcube * kldap * kleopatra * klettres * klickety * klines * kmag * kmahjongg * kmail * kmail-account-wizard * kmailtransport * kmbox * kmime * kmines * kmix * kmousetool * kmouth * kmplot * knavalbattle * knetwalk * knights * koko * kolf * kollision * kolourpaint * kompare * kongress * konqueror * konquest * konsole * kontact * kontactinterface * kontrast * konversation * kopeninghours * korganizer * kosmindoormap * kpat * kpimtextedit * kpkpass * kpmcore * kpublictransport * kqtquickcharts * krdc * krecorder * kreversi * krfb * kross-interpreters * kruler * ksanecore * kshisen * ksirk * ksmtp * ksnakeduel * kspaceduel * ksquares * ksudoku * ksystemlog * kteatime * ktimer * ktnef * ktorrent * ktouch * ktrip * ktuberling * kturtle * kubrick * kwalletmanager * kwave * kweather * kweathercore * kwordquiz * libXcursor * libclc * libgravatar * libhtp * libkcddb * libkcompactdisc * libkdcraw * libkdegames * libkdepim * libkeduvocdocument * libkexiv2 * libkgapi6 * libkleo * libkmahjongg * libkomparediff2 * libksane * libksieve * libktorrent * libssh2_org * linux-ftools * lokalize * lskat * mailcommon * mailimporter * marble * markdownpart * massif-visualizer * mbox-importer * merkuro * messagelib * mimetreeparser * minuet * mosquitto * mozjs128 * msmtp * nodejs-electron * ocl-icd * oddjob * okular * openssl * openssl-3 * oprofile * palapeli * parley * partitionmanager * picmi * pim-data-exporter * pim-sieve-editor * pimcommon * plasmatube * poxml * python-PyFxA * python-pykdumpfile * python-pyramid * python-python-markdown-math * python-python-multipart * python-virtualenvwrapper * qmlkonsole * rclone * rocs * signon-kwallet-extension * skanlite * skanpage * skladnik * spectacle * step * svgpart * sweeper * telly-skout * tokodon * u-boot * ucode-intel * umbrello * webkit2gtk3 * wezterm * wget * xfce4-weather-plugin * xrandr * yakuake * yast2-network * zanshin
participants (1)