Re: ALP Community WG workshop next week: Consuming community content in SUSE's ALP

Hi, On 11/17/22 03:02, Lubos Kocman wrote:
Hello openSUSE!
I'd like to invite you to a next Tuesday's (14:30 UTC) ALP Community *WG meeting where we'd like to start collecting ideas for how to consume community software in SUSE's ALP.
I'm interested in this topic, particularly the idea of having a standard rpm repository, that can be used to install packages on the "ALP Host System" for people such as myself where "Containerise everything" isn't the best solution for the required job. It'd also be nice to also provide whichever artifacts that SUSE is using to build its ALP containers as RPM packages in another similar repo. Unfortunately the community meeting isn't at a practical time for me to be able to join but to me these are essential things for taking SUSE ALP and turning it into a viable Leap replacement for the community. While "Factory First" and Tumbleweed are still doing this hopefully it isn't hard to also do similar with ALP. Thanks -- Simon Lees (Simotek) Emergency Update Team SUSE Linux Adelaide Australia, UTC+10:30 GPG Fingerprint: 5B87 DB9D 88DC F606 E489 CEC5 0922 C246 02F0 014B
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Simon Lees