openSUSE Release Engineering Meeting 30.06.2021

All meeting minutes can be found here: Meeting is hosted here ## Participants ddemaio, dleuenberger, lkocman, deneb_alpha, wengel, maxlin, sbahling ## Leap Limited availability this and next week. Leap 15.3 Retro review finished now it's time to create action items and categorize/archive it on wiki Big thanks to everyone who helped me to review the data. SUSE's Internal retro summary will be on 14th July TODO: 15.3 - Selinux won't boot without selinux policy 15.4 Feature planning in progress - We've started to move tracking of request to so anybody is welcome to use this from now on. We should announce this properly once we're done with copy-pasting from and the wiki page Deadline wise: SLE confirmed that they're flexible until August (evaluation deadline). The June 26th is mainly for SUSE's Partner features. Some existing retro action items: Next steps discussion with public bugzilla product happened the last Friday (Vincent, Gerald, Marcus M., Marina, Oliver) Lubos to talk to L3, kernel team, yast team to use Public product for anything non-confidential by default. Marina would talk to maintenance team. Let's call this enlightenment of teams. Maintenace team agreed that we can't switch to public by default. But we can educate employees. Plans to refresh SLE and Leap as discussed with SLE 15 SP3 PM. In general do some annoucement (internal/external) with some feedback period. Mass submit all that builds and reference the jira for refresh. Leave it on maintainers to review (at least in SLE). TODO: reference jira for SLE 15 SP4 refresh TODO: Do we we want to open an early feature for some easy "Multimedia codecs offer" on the first boot/welcome screen? We would have to invite legal from the very beginning. The rebuild of factory refresh is still in progress: is still in progress. The idea is to identify packages in SLE that block us on Backports refresh from factory. And update these packages in SLE. Adrian: can we use FrontRunner instead of SLECandidates? There seems to be an overlap Marcus: Does this apply also to SLE? We're talking of 3-4 thousand of packages. Looking for review of prior creating tasks in progress-o-o (separate email) ## openSUSE Tumbleweed * KDE Plasma (Snapshot 0628) Kernel 5.13 is in Staging, just waiting for installation-images fixes (should be ready soon™) * systemd 248 almost ready: one more regression in systemd was detected end of last week; fix is now in staging lkocman: Dimstar did you see the WSL prjconf change request? The substitute: kiwi-image:appx? DONE ## Richard (Kubic/TW MicroOS) * Podman 3.2.2 on the way to Factory * runc 1.0.0 blocked by boo#1187704 * System Roles for MicroOS with remote attestation (keylime) on the way to Factory * Discussions about disabling post-boot kernel module loading on MicroOS to further ensure system immutability - community decided to keep things as they are. * Introduced new 'k3s' images providing base MicroOS with k3s pre- installed, as expected also for SLE Micro 5.1 - currently untested, openQA enablement ongoing * Kubic: Discussion to drop cilium packaging in lieu of relying on upstream containers - community agreed but but awaiting changes to kubicd/patterns to facilitate the drop. ## Max * Looking into gstramer-plugins-bad has inconsistent version from 15.3:Update, we need to rebuild gstreamer.plugins.bad with 1.16.3 in openSUSE: namespace in order to keep opensuse-only plugins enabled instead of using stuff from SLE Update directly. gstreamer-plugins-bad is an agreed SLE fork in Leap 15.3. * Setting up openSUSE:Leap:15.4, two issues needs attention ** OBS backend configuration for openSUSE:Leap:15.4 is needed ** pool-leap-15.4 has an empty content, nothing existed in pool-leap- 15.4 Submission related: Marco Strigl is now working on fixes for osc jumpreview (OBS SR's were not updated) and we were unable to do 15- SP3:Update requests (it ended mostly in openSUSE:Maintenance) Looking into and :SLECandidates ## Guillaume - Arm Not available Adrian: we're about to receive new Arm hardware this week. I'm not sure when it will be online. The problem there is that these machines can build native 32bit arm, but we can't use 32bit kernel. We'll have to change kernel-obs-build, jobs will have to be dispatched correctly so the intended kernel is used. Similar to what we do on i686. Tumbleweed: * Rolling Leap 15.3: * DTB are missing, which breaks some Arm boards - * aarch64: * Still not able to build locally (osc build --vm-type=kvm) for aarch64 with a Tumbleweed host. * Armv7: NET ISO now works. openQA detected few packages which are uninstallable. Fixes are on the way. WSL: Stalled: WIP to have WSL on aarch64 on The goal is to have WSL-DistroLauncher package built for aarch64. Help welcomed. No updates ## Sarah - s390x Not available Dominique: Issues around openssh and the root can't login (no longer accepted root passwd auth by default) are still hanging. (Issue was reported internally for SLE-15-SP4 as well for proper handling/communication on SUSE side). ## Doug * openSUSE.Asia Summit CfP is open for 10 more days * Keynote from the board TBD * Date of event August 6th- 8th lkocman: Could we re-use some pre-recorder videos from openSUSE conference if we can't get enough speakers? * openSUSE Conference videos online * Posting them to social media * Taking care of invoices, keeping treasure informed * Meeting on Summer is Open * Coordinated speakers * Sent out some marketing material Thank you for the survey for code stream! ## Dirk Not available more Step / armv7 build issues tackled with help from many others worked on openSUSE:Factory:ARM:Rings:1-MinimalX fixes (newlib etc) ## Gerald Not available ## Wolfgang (Package Hub), Scott Bahling openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP4:Checks (rpmlint based backports checks) but currently based on package and file database from SLE-15-SP3. Lubos: will open feature request for moving building of Leap only flavors of multibuild packages to SLE where possible. In this case we can avoid forks and make contributions easier. ## Adrian - CtLG or openSUSE Step Adrian: I had to fix issues in product builder so we won't end up in situation where srpm is missing. We've had this issue by glibc (this would otherwise violate GPL). This would be another reason to rebuild ftp trees. How do we reference to CODE 15. We will earn the advantage of "single build" in Webui. One thing is how we label it in webui and the other critical is how the repositories are called. lkocman: my preference from repository point of view would be let's refer to it as if it would be SLE. Gerald: Good idea to use poll for deciding the name. Some terms might not be workable (check with marketing). Should be simple and short. Totally agree with Lubos to make it easy to grasp for outsiders.
participants (1)
Lubos Kocman