openSUSE Release Engineering meeting 26.10.2022

All meeting minutes can be found here: Meeting is hosted here ## Attendees guillaumeg, rbrown, bittin, maxlin, Sarah, Dimstar, ddemaio, Axel, Gerald,m4u, lkocman, dirk, Marcus ## Leap Issues with automated update of pool-leap-15.5 snapshot repo. Seems like it was caused by $PATH and usage of relative path. This should be now fixed SLES 15 SP4 QU1 scheduled for 28th Oct if all goes as expected Initial 000package-groups for 15.4 DVD rebuild submitted here Leap Micro 5.3 - prepping for RC cockpit-machines - seems to be installable (that was considered the last blocker). ## openSUSE Tumbleweed openSUSE:Factory build fail stats: 81 failed 3 unresolvable (last week: 172 / 14) * TW queue is rather quiet: currently just 100 SRs staged * Firefox 106 in snapshot 1023 * systemd 251.7 in Staging:G * Staging:L lists errors for gnutls (glib-networking), gpgme (LibreOffice), python-sphinx (python3:doc and -breathe), and swig 4.1.0 (final) (llvm) ## Richard (MicroOS) Tidied up lots of kubic and microOS devel projects, including dropping old favourites like katacontainers as they were now utterly unmaintained MicroOS Desktop bugsquashing going well - gnome-software with only optional packagekit is otw to GNOME:Factory to enable flatpak-only use of gnome-software in MicroOS Desktop transactional-update will soon have a 'notify' reboot method to work with providing desktop users with a notification when their system is ready to reboot with fresh updates lkocman: I was considering doing 5 minutes lightning talk about transactional-update on devconf, would this be a fair highlight to mention (or too early, as it might change?) (pinged Ignaz) GNOME performance issues fixed KDE MicroOS Desktop is still utterly broken, impossible to install for months now. Is likely to be dropped if contributions dont come soon. ## Max 15.4 CR * 15.4 CR implementation have done in :Images subproject * Fabian has adjusted project attribute for ttm, 15.4 CR DVD has now presented in :ToTest proejct for the testing purpose * TODO - We should change the medium name to be 15.4-CR-DVD or something else like that, just don't be the identical medium name as we had from 15.4 GA, one reason is the build number has a way less number, and/or it will confusing the openqa import script, and users - Need to adjust openSUSE:Leap:15.4:Images config in openqa-trigger- from-obs for adding the 15.4 CR DVD - openqa-jobgroups also need to be adjusted in 15.4 Images jobgroup - Big thanks Max and Fabian! +1 for the Name differentiation. - QE - add 15.4 image config file for the openQA/OBS trigger and adjusting of openQA job group with other LiveCDs (I'll make progress-o- o request for openQA and will ping Jan Stehlik). 15.5 * Received/merged many updates from Factory - 15.5 - Important change: llvm14 added to backports, llvm15 pending in staging project. Lubos to check if there is a pending Jira to include llvm15 (keep in mind that unless it's really implemented scope of SLE 15 SP5 could still be reduced due to ALP). I'll talk to PM. - 270 Queued in Staging projects ** Some package update failed to pass the installcheck because nothing provides pkexec, should we wait pkexec to be split from polkit in SLE, or we should change the package to not require pkexec for now? Maybe a question to Marcus Max: talked to Marcus, the polkit split will be done in SLE15 SP5, lets keep those package in staging project then Build Status: 39 build fails, 9 unresolvables ## Guillaume - Arm Tumbleweed: * Rolling * RPi 2/3: DRM issues with kernel 6.0 - Leap: * armv7: Enlightenment fix is on the way via maintenance ALP: * SUSE:ALP: - Full rebuild of aarch64 ALP has been triggered by mistake, so it will take a while to get a new build. - New images should be added back to openQA, once SUSE:ALP:ToTest will be updated I've noticed that D-Installer now has aarch64 live images! ## Sarah - s390 openQA is working for s390x again Tumbleweed is rolling ## Doug * Make GNU Health Talk * Wrote Brazilian community’s Mirrors article * Meeting about TSP solution * Received charter bus offer for FOSDEM from Nuremberg * Looking at sponsoring FOSS Backstage * Suggest a new name for D-Installer * openSUSE Board Election 2022 Phase 0 ends on Oct. 31. (roll up your sleeves and throw your hat forward) ## Dirk * still feeding RISCV related fixes into Factory/ALP, nothing important to share * python-kiwi 9.24.49 includes profile validation fix for riscv64 arch name, but will also change how containers are built, on its way to Factory ## Wolfgang (Package Hub), Scott Bahling #Not Available ## Maintenance team (Marina or Marcus, Maurizio (m4u)) Configuration setup problem for Maintenance of Leap 15.4 maintenance updates / openQA Marcus regarding Leap 15.4 Image respin - package set will change, we do need to refresh the packagelist Lubos to talk to Jan Stehlik, we can't put all on Marcuses shoulder. Need to setup Leap Micro 15.3 (don't have time this week) ## Adrian - OBS Rudi fixed the pool-leap-15.5 repo update cronjob (usage of absolute paths) ## Open Floor Respinning of 15.4 s390x maintainer wants to retire this month Slides for GNU HealthCon

Attending today :) Takes some more weeks until i start my new job On Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 1:47 PM Lubos Kocman <> wrote:
All meeting minutes can be found here: Meeting is hosted here
## Attendees guillaumeg, rbrown, bittin, maxlin, Sarah, Dimstar, ddemaio, Axel, Gerald,m4u, lkocman, dirk, Marcus
## Leap
Issues with automated update of pool-leap-15.5 snapshot repo. Seems like it was caused by $PATH and usage of relative path. This should be now fixed
SLES 15 SP4 QU1 scheduled for 28th Oct if all goes as expected Initial 000package-groups for 15.4 DVD rebuild submitted here
Leap Micro 5.3 - prepping for RC
cockpit-machines - seems to be installable (that was considered the last blocker).
## openSUSE Tumbleweed
openSUSE:Factory build fail stats: 81 failed 3 unresolvable (last week: 172 / 14)
* TW queue is rather quiet: currently just 100 SRs staged * Firefox 106 in snapshot 1023 * systemd 251.7 in Staging:G * Staging:L lists errors for gnutls (glib-networking), gpgme (LibreOffice), python-sphinx (python3:doc and -breathe), and swig 4.1.0 (final) (llvm)
## Richard (MicroOS)
Tidied up lots of kubic and microOS devel projects, including dropping old favourites like katacontainers as they were now utterly unmaintained
MicroOS Desktop bugsquashing going well - gnome-software with only optional packagekit is otw to GNOME:Factory to enable flatpak-only use of gnome-software in MicroOS Desktop
transactional-update will soon have a 'notify' reboot method to work with providing desktop users with a notification when their system is ready to reboot with fresh updates lkocman: I was considering doing 5 minutes lightning talk about transactional-update on devconf, would this be a fair highlight to mention (or too early, as it might change?) (pinged Ignaz)
GNOME performance issues fixed
KDE MicroOS Desktop is still utterly broken, impossible to install for months now. Is likely to be dropped if contributions dont come soon.
## Max
15.4 CR * 15.4 CR implementation have done in :Images subproject * Fabian has adjusted project attribute for ttm, 15.4 CR DVD has now presented in :ToTest proejct for the testing purpose * TODO - We should change the medium name to be 15.4-CR-DVD or something else like that, just don't be the identical medium name as we had from 15.4 GA, one reason is the build number has a way less number, and/or it will confusing the openqa import script, and users - Need to adjust openSUSE:Leap:15.4:Images config in openqa-trigger- from-obs for adding the 15.4 CR DVD - openqa-jobgroups also need to be adjusted in 15.4 Images jobgroup - Big thanks Max and Fabian! +1 for the Name differentiation. - QE - add 15.4 image config file for the openQA/OBS trigger and adjusting of openQA job group with other LiveCDs (I'll make progress-o- o request for openQA and will ping Jan Stehlik).
15.5 * Received/merged many updates from Factory - 15.5 - Important change: llvm14 added to backports, llvm15 pending in staging project. Lubos to check if there is a pending Jira to include llvm15 (keep in mind that unless it's really implemented scope of SLE 15 SP5 could still be reduced due to ALP). I'll talk to PM. - 270 Queued in Staging projects ** Some package update failed to pass the installcheck because nothing provides pkexec, should we wait pkexec to be split from polkit in SLE, or we should change the package to not require pkexec for now? Maybe a question to Marcus Max: talked to Marcus, the polkit split will be done in SLE15 SP5, lets keep those package in staging project then Build Status: 39 build fails, 9 unresolvables
## Guillaume - Arm
Tumbleweed: * Rolling * RPi 2/3: DRM issues with kernel 6.0 -
Leap: * armv7: Enlightenment fix is on the way via maintenance
ALP: * SUSE:ALP: - Full rebuild of aarch64 ALP has been triggered by mistake, so it will take a while to get a new build. - New images should be added back to openQA, once SUSE:ALP:ToTest will be updated
I've noticed that D-Installer now has aarch64 live images!
## Sarah - s390
openQA is working for s390x again Tumbleweed is rolling
## Doug * Make GNU Health Talk * Wrote Brazilian community’s Mirrors article * Meeting about TSP solution * Received charter bus offer for FOSDEM from Nuremberg * Looking at sponsoring FOSS Backstage * Suggest a new name for D-Installer * openSUSE Board Election 2022 Phase 0 ends on Oct. 31. (roll up your sleeves and throw your hat forward)
## Dirk
* still feeding RISCV related fixes into Factory/ALP, nothing important to share * python-kiwi 9.24.49 includes profile validation fix for riscv64 arch name, but will also change how containers are built, on its way to Factory
## Wolfgang (Package Hub), Scott Bahling #Not Available
## Maintenance team (Marina or Marcus, Maurizio (m4u))
Configuration setup problem for Maintenance of Leap 15.4 maintenance updates / openQA Marcus regarding Leap 15.4 Image respin - package set will change, we do need to refresh the packagelist
Lubos to talk to Jan Stehlik, we can't put all on Marcuses shoulder. Need to setup Leap Micro 15.3 (don't have time this week)
## Adrian - OBS Rudi fixed the pool-leap-15.5 repo update cronjob (usage of absolute paths)
## Open Floor Respinning of 15.4 s390x maintainer wants to retire this month Slides for GNU HealthCon
participants (2)
Lubos Kocman
Luna Jernberg