Re: x86-64-v2 (Felix Miata) Core2Duo is a great cpu!!

---------- Forwarded message ---------- From: Felix Miata <> To: Cc: Bcc: Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2022 03:05:37 -0500 Subject: Re: x86-64-v2 Stefan Brüns composed on 2022-10-09 20:14 (UTC+0200):
Most Core2Duos will not have an SSD, nor 8 GByte or even 4 GByte of memory.
People with more than 8G RAM are jaded. 4-8G is all an average mortal user needs, depending on whether he even knows that multitasking means. Those who have never been exposed to the benefits of SSDs are in a state of ignorant bliss, and haven't had to RMA 20% of their SSD acquisitions within two years of placed in service.
I have 14 Core2Duos, 4 with SSDs, variously with 2G (4), 4G (8) or 8G (2) RAM. All are adequate for their designated tasks. Given their tasks all require little time powered, there's zero possibility of recovering cost of replacement of any of them. I also have around 6 variously named 65nm 2 thread "Pentiums" also still suited to task. That's 20 64bit Intel with 2 or more threads and 65nm or less lithography, plus 2 AMDs of similar capability, age and lith all being prematurely disabled from openSUSE for political and/or marketing reasons, leaving me with 5 operational @v2 or more, of which one is not yet 6 years old and yet only v2, plus a late K8 v2 with 16G RAM, SSD, 1 year old PSU, but motherboard that will no longer POST.
What it all means is more uptime in other distros, less uptime in openSUSE, less experience to share in openSUSE forums, fewer used computers with non-zero marketplace value (aka pricier used computers, and used computers trickier to shop for), and fewer new openSUSE users via recommendations or personal installations, all for *non-quantified* overall performance benefit and me-too what RHEL did. -- Evolution as taught in public schools is, like religion, based on faith, not based on science.
Team OS/2 ** Reg. Linux User #211409 ** a11y rocks!
Felix Miata
et al: I add my "vote" in support of Felix M's argument(s) . . . I have one (1) Core2Duo machine from '09 that I upgraded to 8 GB RAM and installed an SSD drive (over two years ago) . . . on which I have Leap 15.5 installed. I continue to be impressed with how great that machine actually is . . . and sorry to hear that the "v2" decision will go forward . . . because it is still "viable" as an internet troller, etc. Because as Felix details, one of the main reasons for users moving to linux is to keep older hardware, still perfectly functional but deemed "unsupported" . . . going. I did the check on my '12 MacPro for v2 qualification and it "passed" . . . that machine is still running TW . . . but TW seems to be playing havoc with my other installs . . . might help to make the decision if and when it drops off with "v3"??? I like the speed of TW, but these days it should be called "openSUSE SID" . . . to provide a more accurate description of its "character." I'm coming from back in the PPC days of linux, in which support was dropped from within the community . . . still have my '04 iBook G4 sitting in the laptop stack . . . it would run, but nothing supports it any more . . . a stunning loss to the IT community . . . . F
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Fritz Hudnut