Suse 10.1 and ZENworks Linux Management compatibility

Hi, With the supplied ZMD tools I was unable to connect to a ZENworks 7 server: host1-eth0:~ # rug sa https://server Waking up ZMD...Done ERROR: Could not add 'https://server': No suitable service types could be found I suppose this happens because Suse 10.1 RC3 isn't listed in https://server/zenworks-registration/ostargets.xml (and not supported at all) As the ZMD tools are now part of the default install of Suse 10.1 I suppose it's planned to support 10.1 in later releases of Zenworks? Can anyone confirm this? -- Jan Steinkuehler Ericsson Research, Corporate Unit Ericsson GmbH, Eurolab EDD/XR/N Ericsson Allee 1 D-52134 Herzogenrath

On Tue 02 May 2006 19:15, Jan Steinkuehler (AC/EDD) wrote:
Hi, With the supplied ZMD tools I was unable to connect to a ZENworks 7 server:
host1-eth0:~ # rug sa https://server Waking up ZMD...Done ERROR: Could not add 'https://server': No suitable service types could be found
I suppose this happens because Suse 10.1 RC3 isn't listed in https://server/zenworks-registration/ostargets.xml (and not supported at all)
As the ZMD tools are now part of the default install of Suse 10.1 I suppose it's planned to support 10.1 in later releases of Zenworks? Can anyone confirm this?
We are seeing the same problem with SLES10 Preview Release and ZENworks 7 We tried updating ostargets.xml but it still doesn't work. Does anyone have a solution to this problem aside from waiting for a new ZENworks release? -- Peter Nixon PGP Key:
participants (2)
Jan Steinkuehler (AC/EDD)
Peter Nixon