Re: New Package: Zutty: A high-end terminal for low-end systems
Bahh, I have chosen the wrong mail account, resending. Sorry.
Bart, you need "Release: 0", then the correct number is chosen automatically (hint: spec-cleaner would tell you). And you got some '"' wrong, "CXXFLAGS=%{optflags}" does not work, you need CXXFLAGS="%{optflags}"
And if possible one should/could use %configure and forget about all the additional fiddling with flags, everything should work automagically then.
Cheers, Manfred
Am 25.10.22 um 22:03 schrieb Bart Verhagen:
Hi Michael,
I forgot to mention that, but I opened a request to that exact devel project. You can find the request here: Thank you for confirming this and thank you for your support!
(I just added support for openSUSE Leap 15.4 btw)
Kindest Regards,
participants (1)
Manfred Schwarb