Your related post on reddit to this was determined on reddit as homophobia from both the openSUSE Reddit Mods Team and the Reddit safety team due to certain comments made which I will not repeat and is a clear violation of the openSUSE Code of Conduct so it was removed from r/opensuse. As such, any comments from you with regards to this will not be adhered to. 

Callum Farmer

On Sun, 21 May 2023, 12:32 Ayhem Kahri, <> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I'm writing to request that the cover of the r/opensuse subreddit be changed. Currently, when you hover over the cover, the logo changes to LGBTQ colors. I believe that the cover of a technology subreddit should not be oriented towards any particular group or ideology.

I think the cover would be more appropriate if it simply displayed the r/opensuse logo, without any additional colors or text. This would make the subreddit more welcoming to everyone, regardless of their background or beliefs.

Thank you for your time.

Callum Farmer
openSUSE - gmbr3