Am Dienstag, 22. August 2023, 20:08:59 BST schrieb Mark Rubin via openSUSE Factory:

> Is there a canonical, publicly-accessible database which maps openSUSE RPMs to the  group/person/URL/email that maintains them?

it is visible from OBS, either from the website, or

osc maintainer <package>

> Specifically, I'd like to report or track the current problem with `jupyter` pulling in all of `python310*` (despite everything required being in `python311`),

I guess this is 

> but more generally some other longstanding issues like `transfig` pulling in over 2000 `texlive-*` packages, or `mate-terminal` not getting its required `libmate-desktop`. (On the latter, yes, I know: "It's too much trouble for packagers to know all their dependencies so they just rely on having their pattern installed". Sigh. I thought dependencies were the fundamental point of RPM -- or any package system -- but maybe that's just me.)

