On 4 Aug 2018, at 13:02, Per Jessen <per@computer.org> wrote:

Christian Boltz wrote:

# grepsig mailman
Wenn diese Liste über Mailman betrieben würde, dann würden wir den
ganzen Tag nichts anderes machen als eine Menschenkette zum nächsten
Computerladen aufrechtzuerhalten um RAM in einem konstanten fluss in
lists.suse.com einzubauen ;)         [Henne Vogelsang in suse-linux]
###cb### 2003-05-30

Haha, I googled it and the earliest I got was 2006.
Remarkably, lists.suse.com is running mailman2.

s/Remarkably/Sadly/ lists.suse.com is running an old version of mailman2!
For years I’m complaining about Archive issues, no Search Engine, Main page, 
Admin interface, Archive pages from year 2000, Custom subscriber options that
don't work at all and prevent from receiving ML emails…

I’m just eager to move SUSE Beta Mailing List to something more up to date.
I think discourse would fit perfectly with our external/public audience (really
diverse, mostly techies, mostly using a mailer with a GUI, mostly not following
implicit techie's way of writing email... ), and even for SUSE employees because
discourse can be used via email only (made a POC 2 years ago and it was working…).

It’s true that SUSE Beta Mailing Lists are more closer to a forum than opensuse*
ML… And I will really like the ability to “pin” topics so new subscribers don’t miss
important official posts, plus the ability for them to quickly triage topic by
“relevance” like most viewed/liked/discussed.

Anyway, I’m following this discussion with high interest : ).

Vincent Moutoussamy
SUSE Beta Program, JeOS and SDK Project Manager

Mailman _WAS_ considered and (obviously, because of it's need of RAM)
rather fast discarded as an alternative... And I very much doubt the
actual list-server has anything to do with the "problem", it rather
is the WUI (Web-User-Interface) to the _ARCHIVE_ of the list that is
the problem. And mlmmj has nothing to do with that. Nor had ezmlm.

Just as a sidenote (and without having read the full discussion yet) -
our current list-owner (Per) thinks about switching to mailman (after
testing etc.). AFAIK the usual ENOTIME is delaying this.

Yes, I have long been wanting to move us to mailman2, but real life and
other priorities keep getting in the way.

I don't know if switching to mailman would also mean to change our
mailinglist archive because (at least currently) it's completely
independent from the mailinglist software.

Moving the archive too would only mean more effort, so I would expect
that to come later, if at all.  There is no reason why our current
setup should not work with mailman2.  

If anyone is interested in working on an improved archive interface,
I'll be happy to help with the basics.

Per Jessen, Zürich (29.4°C)

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