Il 04/11/22 18:46, Luciano Santos ha scritto:
Scott Bradnick wrote:
I agree with you; I threw my 2ยข in because I figured those lines being
present/active in /etc/sudoers would solve the issue in this specific case.
My /etc/sudoers (where it was already commented out) wasn't touched; I do have
an /etc/sudoers.rpmnew w/ those lines commented out.
But you're right about throwing those lines back.

And for the record, if anyone end up in this situation post DUP with sudo broken and do want to rollback the system (there's really no need to, in this case). Just go to YaST and revert the last changes to /etc/sudoers, as was pointed out in the openSUSE support IRC/Matrix room.


I had to apply the following step to resolve the issue:

For now there is a way to go back without reverting:

# visudo -f /etc/sudoers.d/user

Defaults targetpw  # Ask for the password of the target user
ALL ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL  # WARNING: only use this together with 'Defaults targetpw'

Marco Calistri
Build:  openSUSE Tumbleweed 20221103 
Kernel: 6.0.6-1-default - XFCE: (4.16.0)