After a recent update of Tumbleweed I have problems with a few .desktop files on my Desktop. This remains also with the newest update. These files contain the line "Terminal=true" and should start a shell script or a command in line mode.
I get the message "Warning: Could not find interactive shell to start." or something with that type of content. I see a translated message.
The strange thing is that I have another .desktop file with exactly the same content only considering the keywords which does work. Also the protection flags of the files and the owner are the same.
Anybody else seeing this problem? If you're on KDE, look at the Konsole profile. I saw some user reporting that
Op maandag 3 mei 2021 13:08:37 CEST schreef Freek de Kruijf: the default /bin/bash shell was no longer there. -- Gertjan Lettink a.k.a. Knurpht openSUSE Board openSUSE Forums Team