On Wed, 2022-07-13 at 13:44 +0200, Axel Braun wrote:
Hi Lubos,
Am Dienstag, 12. Juli 2022, 15:33:18 CEST schrieb Lubos Kocman:
Sticking with old/unsupported python and ruby was a pain as it became virtually impossible to update some community packages. I have some good news!
We can't change the default "system python" for code-stream 15, so we've agreed to a plan to offer a parallel python 3.10+ full-stack in 15 SP5. There is a request to add 3.11 interpret to SP5, so perhaps we should consider that version instead. Essentially we have the same scenario for ruby 2.7, where we plan to re-build all rubygems also for 2.7.
This is indeed a good step forward. As I understood that the base system will still deliver python 3.6 and ruby 2.7 as standard - and this should not change - we need to enable the build of packages against a later python/ruby version, which is not standard in Leap 15.5.
For the user, who's default is still py3.6, it should be transparent, that e.g. python-onionshare needs py 3.8+ to run.
I guess this needs to be solved in OBS somehow, to build a package for Leap 15.5 against the latest ruby/python version. And installer should pull dependencies accordingly. We need to request to figure out some clever packaging guidelines and document recommended way in https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Packaging_Python
Am I right?
Cheers Axel