I tried to send this to opensuse support but I got rejected - probably the wrong place again - so excuse me.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
To: opensuse support <support@lists.opensuse.org>

From journalctl - I see packagekit running every 10 minutes.
When I attempt a zypper up or zypper dup (tumbleweed), I get

Ask PackageKit to quit? [yes/no] (no): no
System management is locked by the application with pid 17101 (/usr/lib/packagekitd).
Close this application before trying again.
which is annoying.
How can I get packagekit to only run once an hour instead of 6 times an hour.
I know it has to be started with packagekitd but no man page for packagekitd

VM1:/etc/systemd # man packagekitd
No manual entry for packagekitd
VM1:/etc/systemd # man packagekit
No manual entry for packagekit
VM1:/etc/systemd #

Anyone know where - I see this as excessive bandwidth and rather wasteful as few if any of us look to see if an update is ready that often.

This would reduce overhead on the repositories if they were queried fewer times an hour.