Terror PUP a.k.a
Chuck "PUP" Payne
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openSUSE -- Terrorpup
openSUSE Ambassador/openSUSE Member
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Register Linux Userid: 155363
So, I know my opinion won't matter, but this why I been wondering moving away from Leap to ALP, It didn't make sense.
Leap is great, now with Red Hat cut offline access, there needs to be an Enterprise version of Linux. Ubuntu will never be that, openSUSE Leap is it, now is the time for us to move back in. I can see why many move to Ubuntu, openSUSE packages have growning less. Why did I move from Red Hat in the late 90's to SuSE, PACKAGES!!! No offence, have you play with RHEL 9.0, they have less that us. It's like IBM wants to kill RH. So, more packages would be a plus. Stable to keep the enterprise level would be great.
Sorry to rag on ALP, no ever explained it well, and still like another version of MicroOS, and when you try to ask they got very defensive. So I stopped acting.
Tumbleweed is great for those that want to help test and make sure the next very of LEAP is going to be great.
So keep just
So try to create things people don't want. Focus on add thing to what we have to make them great again.
openSUSE Community Member since 2008.