30 Aug
30 Aug
On Wed, 2023-08-30 at 13:21 +0200, Bernhard M. Wiedemann via openSUSE Factory wrote:
Did some more nice debugging and patches this month
Well done! every one fix is a step in the right direction.
I uploaded https://rb.zq1.de/compare.factory-20230830/ today
https://rb.zq1.de/compare.factory-20230830/graph.png shows the change over time
https://rb.zq1.de/compare.factory-20230830/unreproduciblerings.txt lists very unreproducible core packages (bootstrap+DVD)
Of the badly unreproducible packages, 4 were in ring0
Of those 4, I mostly wonder about rpm-config-SUSE. this package is so simple, that I fail to see why this should not be reproducible. Do you have any more information what is going on there? Cheers, Dominique