I am not sure if I can maintain VirtualBox - I have succeeded building VirtualBox 7.1 locally for Tumbleweed and Slowroll but the guest additions did not work but the deleting of them and install downloaded a goo guest additions.

I am still trying to make sense of what Larry Finger did moving from 5.36 to 6.0.  He was getting chemo treatments and only could stay for a couple of hours (my computer, when we started, took 40 minutes to compile each tumbleweed, 15.2 and 15.3.

I upgraded to a faster machine (nvme and cpu) and the compile times dropped to 20 minutes. From 6.0.14 to 6.0.20 very little needed to be touched - they were easy for me to figure out. 

So far nothing in 7.1 makes sense to me - did the OBS change from gcc13 to gcc14 and what did that do to all of Larry Fingers gcc13 fixes.

I am turning 73 and my ability to retain new stuff is rapidly failing. I have forgotten what dowiggle does and how to fix it - I did automate the patch updating for 6.0.16, 6.0.18, and 6.0.20. I have not been a programmer since the 1970's. I ended up validating problems and creating work arounds. 95% of what I did was in assembler not C or C++.  I can write small C programs, VirtualBox contains 120,000 programs, It is massive as it is BIOS, Video drivers, disk drivers, network drivers, usb drivers, memory manager and all sorts of interactions between guest and hosts.

I  am a great tester - I will be happy to test any Virtualbox as I have a machine that has Windows 10 & 11, Tumbleweed, Slowroll, Leap, (kde and gnome versions as well as MATE) to test and find problems.

Larry Finger did not have time to review all the patches - I found patches for 41, 42, 43, 15.0, 15.1, and 15.2 that were not needed so I removed them one at a time to prove that OBS did not need them.

Larry Rainey

Here are links to everything that Larry Finger and I did and the things that Oracle Virtualbox support taught me on how to build and sign their code that I built.

they are 12 MB of files - split into 2M and uploaded to susepaste:





