A premise, in the last versions, especially with the 5.21 the state of Plasma-Wayland has been much improved, there are still some problems, but today it is usable basic. I have always preferred the Full-Wayland session, because in my experience I find it better. I imagine that the nested plasma-wayland session in Xorg was created when Plasma-Full-Wayland was unusable.
With the Full-Wayland session, however, some applications do not work, however I noticed that for example Chrome, now it also works in Full-Wayland, I don't know if the change concerns Chrome or if it concerns the session.
These days I installed KDE neon to understand if there are differences, the only differences that I noticed at the usability level is in applications such as Firefox, which in OpenSUSE is disastrous, while in KDE neon works normally and other applications that do not start In OpenSUSE.
I think we just need to understand what is best today and what works best.
I take this opportunity to thank all the dev. of OpenSUSE that always make a great job.
I don't have the truth in your pocket, the Wayland session offered by Neon differs little from the full-wayland session of OpenSUSE, but some things work better, but this is just my experience.
Hello everybody.

Il giorno gio 11 mar 2021 alle ore 08:31 Attila Pinter <adathor@opensuse.org> ha scritto:
I don't think that any of this conversation should be taken personally. I don't see this as a hurtful comment on the work of maintainers who's work we all love and enjoy and I understand why the patch is there to begin with and I'm grateful for all the work you guys are put in to maintain Plasma on openSUSE. This whole convo is more towards bettering the Plasma Wayland situation on openSUSE.

I can only speak for myself when I say that I didn't report issues previously with Plasma Wayland because it had pretty bad feedback from other distros as well. Also the upstream devs were pretty open about the state of Wayland on Plasma and my experience was equally bad. Why report something if it is known? However, in 5.20 and lately in 5.21 has been a lot of positive feedback around this, but my personal experience did not change for some reason.
I still can't launch VSCode or Discord on a "Full Wayland" session along with a few other Flatpaks and see some graphical glitches. Yes, no X in the background.
Anyhow only in the recent days this topic around the openSUSE patch lit the bulb in my head - along with a discussion with folks involved with Plasma upstream - that this might be the source of the problem.

I personally have very limited amount of time or resources right now to do any kind of serious testing and I definitely can't afford a full distro installation for the sake of help "proving" that we would be better off at this point without a patched experience and be closer to the upstream UX intended by KDE.

However, if Andres finished baking his plasma I'm going to test it and see if the situation is indeed that severe where a patch would be required to keep the UX satisfactory.