On 2024-03-11 19:50, Mihai Moldovan wrote:
* On 3/11/24 19:40, Ulf via openSUSE Factory wrote:
Now if I start "zypper", the following message is visible:
zypper: error while loading shared libraries: libabsl_log_internal_check_op.so.2308.0.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Since libabsl2401_0_0-20240116.1-1.1.x86_64.rpm is available and newer, the
libabsl package has been upgraded on your system, but other programs or
libraries still use the older library and weren't correctly upgraded. You've
investigated the issue from the wrong side. The old package is gone now. Unless
you can find it in some archive, you will certainly not find it in the TW repo
any longer.

Unfortunately, there's no easy way to tell which program is at fault.

You'll have to check all binaries and libraries manually (via ldd or readelf)
and figure out which one is still referencing the old library and then upgrade
THIS package specifically. Also hope that the library is not loaded dynamically
via dlopen...

Some details on what happend, including the manual recovery:

