On Wed, 2021-04-21 at 08:45 +0200, Roger Oberholtzer wrote:
For some reason, there are 205 32bit packages installed on my Tumbleweed system.
For example, why might I have both of these installed:
libgraphite2-3-1.3.14-1.4.x86_64 libgraphite2-3-32bit-1.3.14-78.10.x86_64
here, the -32bit package is indeed a 'rpm package' targetting 'arch = x86_64', but the binary inside is compiled on a i586 machine (is thus 32bit). This is mostly used for running 32bit applications on your 64bit OS. I for one am not using any such stuff, so I could remove everything up to glibc-32bit; but that also implies not using wine for example.
If I try to delete these they all seem to be referencing each other. I can't seem to find the actual application that pulled them in.
'wine' is the most commonly used app pulling in -32bit; and there is a pattern recommending 32bit stuff, to make sure users are not struggling with it (it is easier for the experienced one to get rid of them than the novice finding out that he needs them)
If I look at applications (not just libraries), I see that there is both wine and wine-32bit installed. As I only run 64-bit Windows apps in wine, would I need wine-32bit.
in theory, wine could probably work without wine-32bit, but the package has a hard dep. In the win world, 32bit apps are still a very common thing
It that is even the cause of the problem. No idea.
Not the same problem as Linda described. There, zypper wanted to replace .x86_64 packages with .i586 packages. Cheers, Dominique