"Larry Stotler" <larrystotler@gmail.com> writes:
On Fri, May 30, 2008 at 12:53 AM, Andreas Jaeger <aj@suse.de> wrote:
Unselecting the yast-fingerprint reader deselected almost all of YaST!(qt, networking, etc) WTF???? Sorry, but that's ridiculous. I am constantly frustrated by all of these hardware dependencies that I DON'T have and should have to install:
You broke the YaST pattern.
But WHY is it a pattern? How many systems actually used a fingerprint reader? 1%? less?
YaST is a pattern since you want everything together in general. You wanted to ask: Why is yast2-fingerprint a required (hard dependency) of the YaST pattern and not a recommended (soft dependency).
The default is not your 390X but the patterns should be made in a way that you can deselect anything easily. Please do read about patterns in the wiki and file detailed bugreports,
I'm all for the speed that patterns afford installation, and I'm even willing to allow compressed arhives of stuff that may be useful to be on the hard drive. If something is deslected from the pattern, is that because of a dependency or is it because the pattern requires it?
Btw. I don't understand your last sentence.
The default install has TV apps? How about a popup that says - if you want to install your specific hardware, click here and select what you have. We do this already for the hardware drivers, so you only get the kernel-packages you need...
But it installs KDETV and YaST-TV even though there are no TV devices installed. Same with the other hardware.
The philosophy here is that people might want to add it later on... Unfortunately the time for a fundamental change of the 11.0 patterns has gone, we will only consider minor tweaks. A fundamental change would need some discussion after 11.0 is released...
Please create separate bugreports with details,
That's another frustration. The few bugreports I've been involved with don't seem to get anything done. I figured out the deal with the atheros driver days ago and updated bugzilla and haven't seen any feedback. The fact that the new ath5k driver only supports a limited amount of hardware, but that it will be loaded for hardware that can't use it is a big issue in my book. That's why I am helping out, because I really think openSUSE is still the best overall system. I've offered to help create and manage a section dedicated to installing and running it on Old World Macs as an "not officially supported system", but that got me no feedback either.
For adding to the wiki, you don't need any permission.
I have Fedora 8 on my one desktop, and it sucks at trying to make things work out of the box. You can add things to make it better, but then that's the best part of SuSE- YaST.
Further, the fact that I'm not a programming limits my understanding of how to help make things better. I will try to document things better.
Quite frankly, I have moved away from v10.3 because it's so slow in so many ways. v11.0 looks like such a big improvement.
Glad to hear - and I hope we can get some of Andreas -- Andreas Jaeger, Director Platform / openSUSE, aj@suse.de SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Markus Rex, HRB 16746 (AG Nürnberg) Maxfeldstr. 5, 90409 Nürnberg, Germany GPG fingerprint = 93A3 365E CE47 B889 DF7F FED1 389A 563C C272 A126