I'm contacting you on behalf of EDF (Electricité De France), a French state-owned energy company, currently the world's 2nd largest producer of electricity.
For our scientific computing needs, we internally develop and maintain Scibian (https://scibian.org/), a Linux distribution based on Debian. We recently started investigating OpenQA
to automate our testing, and although the project is still at the "Proof of Concept" stage, we are very enthusiastic about taking it further and would love to discuss it with you.
As we get deeper into OpenQA, we have some questions to which we could not find the answers in your documentation or videos.
We would be very happy to talk with someone from your team to ask these questions and learn more about your long experience working with OpenQA and maintaining it.
If we commit to using OpenQA, we are also interested in contributing to the project. We already added some features for our usage :
- support of qemu 6.1 by adding backing file format when images are created. We saw that you nearly finished to work on it too
- support of french keyboard layout with a french OS guest. Even with "VNCKB=fr" option and without our fix, send_key works badly for many keys (maybe we missed something ?)
We would be glad to hear back from you. A video call sounds great to us, but other means of communication are fine.
If sending this email to opensuse-factory@opensuse.org was inappropriate, please excuse us. If it is the case, can you give us a better address ?
Best regards,
Vladislav SOKOLOV Ingénieur SI-T EDF - CSP IT SUP (Services Utilisateurs & Proximité) Agence Azura - Pôle Technique Informatique - CCN Postes 177 RUE GARIBALDI 69003 LYON |
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