
Lenovo W520, Tumbleweed, nouveau driver, tried various combinations of zypper up/dup/dup --no-allow-vendor-change to no avail.

Starting from the GUI (kdm, KDE) if I try to switch screens with CTRL+ALT+F1/2/3/4/5/6 the GUI stays displayed but the mouse and keyboard don't work until I do a CTRL+ALT+F7.  This happens right from the login page, before I've logged in.

If I boot to Runlevel 3 then it all switches properly as expected.  init 5 to the GUI and it breaks and behaves as above.  Back to Runlevel 3 and we're good again.

An extra issue (probably related) is that if powersave kicks in and blanks the screen, when I come back, I'm left with a blank screen and a mouse pointer.  I have to ssh in from somewhere else and systemctl restart display-manager to get my desktop back.

I'm not sure when this started.  It was a few updates ago.  I'd been hoping that a later update would fix this, but not so far.

Any ideas greatly appreciated.

