Hi Alberto, Am Mi., 7. Dez. 2022 um 13:30 Uhr schrieb aplanas <aplanas@suse.de>:
How this should be done? Maybe having openSUSE:Factory as v0, and openSUSE:Factory:V3 with a project config to set it as v3, and duplicating a very small subset of packages in the subproject?
I don't know what the best solution is, but this sounds workable. the other option is to have a standard_v3 repository in the same project(s) and do the switch via prjconf + onlybuilds
Should a generator add some `Requires: ($magic)` for those v3, and make a change in libsolv that will prioritize them in case of the correct hardware is present?
well, if you install the library into a HWCAPS specific subdirectory, then the glibc loader is selectign this on your own, and you don't need to do any libsolv/zypper magic at all. you can install it, if it is there and the hardware doesn't support it, it won't get used. so we could defer that into a pattern / installer /user choice that a user has to opt in manually for the first iteration.