After another ctrl + c :
"Zypper is nu bezig met opschonen, zal zo spoedig mogelijk eindigen."
 Which means "Zypper is now cleaning up, will finish as soon as possible.".

Well, it doesn't finish. :-(

-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht --------
Von: GMX via openSUSE Factory <>
Antwort an: GMX <>
An: Factory <>
Betreff: Re: Tumbleweed snapshot 20241127 update issue
Datum: 28.11.2024 21:28:10

Desktop switched to another tty and i could switch back. But update hangs and after ctrl + c shows Trying to exit gracefully .... . In detail:

"Script %posttrans(kernel-firmware-ath11k-20241125-1.1.noarch) wordt uitgevoerd ...........<8%>
Proberen netjes te eindigen... "

-------- Ursprüngliche Nachricht --------
Von: Ulf via openSUSE Factory <>
Antwort an: Ulf <>
An: Factory <>
Betreff: Tumbleweed snapshot 20241127 update issue
Datum: 28.11.2024 21:21:43

During the update, following issue is visible (desktop switch to another tty
with the logoff screen (tty1). But with <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<F3> switching to the
running sessin in tty3 is still possible.

The zypper dup - darcut script in the tmux session shows

%posttrans(kernel-firmware-all-20241125-1.1.noarch) script output:
/usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/connman_resolvconf.conf:1: Line references path below
legacy directory /var/run/, updating /var/run/connman → /run/connman; please
update the tmpfiles.d/ drop-in file accordingly.

And hangs. After 30min, I type <ctrl>+<c> -->

Trying to exit gracefully ...

Nothing happens since 10min.
Will waite some time and reboot afterwards.
